Designer Spotlights

Beth Bernstein’s New Book Spotlights 45 Women Designers Shaping Tomorrow

Beth Bernstein’s New Book Spotlights 45 Women Designers Shaping Tomorrow

New York—Jewelry historian Beth Bernstein is releasing a new book titled, “Jewelry’s Shining Stars: The Next Generation: 45 Visionary Women Designers.”

A follow up to her 2013 book “Jewelry’s Shining Stars,” this new release is a compilation of 45 independent women designers, all at different stages of their careers.

It contains seven chapters, each showing a different approach to jewelry design, ranging from reviving tradition to rebelling against it.

Bernstein’s book is filled with personal accounts from each featured designer on how they got into the jewelry industry and what inspired them to create their pieces, as well as anecdotes from the world of a jeweler and photos that give a glimpse into each designer’s aesthetic.

In “The Revivalists” chapter, readers can find Jenna Blake’s Jenna Grosfeld and FoundRae designer Beth Hutchens, while Retrouvaí’s Kristy Stone is part of the “The Pop Artists” chapter and Harwell Godfrey’s Lauren Harwell Godrey is highlighted in “The Rebels” chapter. 

“The women who have been chosen for this book are innovators in their own right and have liberated the way we view and buy jewelry,” said Bernstein. 

“They are helping form the taste, styles, and standards of the self-purchaser—women who have the confidence to buy jewelry for themselves and prefer gifts that connect to the soul and character and how it relates to a significant time in their lives. With boldness and presence in their work, and a reverence for iconic role models and quality and techniques, these 45 talents are creating today’s collectibles and shaping jewelry’s future.”

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Bernstein is a jewelry historian, author, journalist, and one-time jewelry designer who has been in the jewelry industry for more than 20 years.

Her other books include “The Modern Guide to Antique Jewelry,” “If These Jewels Could Talk,” “Jewelry’s Shining Stars,” and “My Charmed Life.”

She has also contributed to Forbes, Jewelry Connoisseur, Rapaport Magazine, and The Jewelry

Published by ACC Artbooks, “Jewelry’s Shining Stars: The Next Generation” will be available for purchase on July 15 at booksellers for $65.

It can be pre-ordered now from Amazon or Rizzoli Bookstore.

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